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Removing bees and wasps

(Sydney and Central Coast)

It can be alarming to realise a swarm of bees or wasps have invaded your home or workplace.

Both bees and wasps have a painful sting – threatening the health and safety of humans and pets alike.

And bee venom can create a deadly anaphylaxis reaction for allergic individuals – which is why a wasp or bee infestation must be taken seriously.

When removing bees, wasps and their nests; it’s imperative that all safety precautions are taken to protect residents, employees and neighbours. Only trained professionals should do this dangerous work.

Keep in mind that many bee species are endangered, and these pollinators are crucial to our food chain. At TOMCAT, a beekeeper helps us to humanely remove and relocate the bee hives – when this is safe and feasible.

Removing wasps and bees from residential and commercial properties:

1. Identify the wasp or bee species

2. Spray and remove wasp hives using chemicals

3. A beekeeper helps us relocate bee hives safely

4. A follow up maybe required in a few weeks to make sure there have been no more Bee or Wasp sightings

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Removing bees and wasps

(Sydney and Central Coast)

It can be alarming to realise a swarm of bees or wasps have invaded your home or workplace.

Both bees and wasps have a painful sting – threatening the health and safety of humans and pets alike.

And bee venom can create a deadly anaphylaxis reaction for allergic individuals – which is why a wasp or bee infestation must be taken seriously.

When removing bees, wasps and their nests; it’s imperative that all safety precautions are taken to protect residents, employees and neighbours. Only trained professionals should do this dangerous work.

Keep in mind that many bee species are endangered, and these pollinators are crucial to our food chain. At TOMCAT, a beekeeper helps us to humanely remove and relocate the bee hives – when this is safe and feasible.

Removing wasps and bees from residential and commercial properties:

1. Identify the wasp or bee species

2. Spray and remove wasp hives using chemicals

3. A beekeeper helps us relocate bee hives safely

4. A follow up maybe required in a few weeks to make sure there have been no more Bee or Wasp sightings

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