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Humane bird control

(Sydney and Central Coast)

It’s lovely to observe birds in the wild, but you certainly don’t want them trespassing inside your home or office building.

The roof is the most common hangout, as it provides a welcoming nesting environment.

Not only do birds make a lot of noise, they also damage property and put our health at risk.

Their poop is brimming with bad bacteria that can make humans very sick when inhaled or ingested. And if birds find their way into warehouses and food storage rooms; edible products quickly become contaminated.

Did you know that robust materials like steel can even be corroded by bird droppings, which are extremely acidic?

It’s so important to remove these visitors from your property before a bird infestation takes hold.

We specialise in effective, humane bird control and removal methods:

1. Identify the bird species

2. Remove bird nests

3. Humanely trap, remove and release birds

4. Install preventive devices to stop birds from returning

5. A follow up maybe required in a few weeks to make sure there have been no more Bird sightings

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Humane bird control

(Sydney and Central Coast)

It’s lovely to observe birds in the wild, but you certainly don’t want them trespassing inside your home or office building.

The roof is the most common hangout, as it provides a welcoming nesting environment.

Not only do birds make a lot of noise, they also damage property and put our health at risk.

Their poop is brimming with bad bacteria that can make humans very sick when inhaled or ingested. And if birds find their way into warehouses and food storage rooms; edible products quickly become contaminated.

Did you know that robust materials like steel can even be corroded by bird droppings, which are extremely acidic?

It’s so important to remove these visitors from your property before a bird infestation takes hold.

We specialise in effective, humane bird control and removal methods:

1. Identify the bird species

2. Remove bird nests

3. Humanely trap, remove and release birds

4. Install preventive devices to stop birds from returning

5. A follow up maybe required in a few weeks to make sure there have been no more Bird sightings

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