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German cockroaches Pest Control

(Sydney & Central Coast)

In the wild world of roaches, German cockroaches are the most notorious of all.

Smaller and faster than their cousins – these prolific breeders have high survival rates. This isn’t surprising, given they withstand forces 900 times stronger than their body weight.

Is it any wonder they’re the hardest roach to get rid of?

German cockroaches eat just about everything, including soap and glue. They love warm, moist environments – so kitchens and bathrooms are popular infestation sites.

Signs of a cockroach infestation in your home or workplace:

  • Cockroach droppings on benches and in pantries (looks like pepper or coffee grounds)
  • Frequent cockroach sightings
  • Finding egg casings on your property (brown oblong shapes)
  • Musty smell in infested areas (kitchens and bathroom areas)

We specialise in safely exterminating German cockroaches – just one visit:

1. Identify the cockroach species

2. Spray a suitable chemical and apply a flushing in hard to reach areas ( refrigerators and ovens) We will treat the infested areas mainly with a gel chemical

3. A follow up maybe required in a few weeks to make sure there have been no more German Cockroaches sightings

Please note: our chemicals are allergy tested!

Get in touch today

German cockroaches Pest Control

(Sydney & Central Coast)

In the wild world of roaches, German cockroaches are the most notorious of all.

Smaller and faster than their cousins – these prolific breeders have high survival rates. This isn’t surprising, given they withstand forces 900 times stronger than their body weight.

Is it any wonder they’re the hardest roach to get rid of?

German cockroaches eat just about everything, including soap and glue. They love warm, moist environments – so kitchens and bathrooms are popular infestation sites.

Signs of a cockroach infestation in your home or workplace:

  • Cockroach droppings on benches and in pantries (looks like pepper or coffee grounds)
  • Frequent cockroach sightings
  • Finding egg casings on your property (brown oblong shapes)
  • Musty smell in infested areas (kitchens and bathroom areas)

We specialise in safely exterminating German cockroaches – just one visit:

1. Identify the cockroach species

2. Spray a suitable chemical and apply a flushing in hard to reach areas ( refrigerators and ovens) We will treat the infested areas mainly with a gel chemical

3. A follow up maybe required in a few weeks to make sure there have been no more German Cockroaches sightings

Please note: our chemicals are allergy tested!

Get in touch today